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This is some of my recent work from college (2nd year).
This is a collection of artwork I've done in the last year. It includes graphic design, typography, photography, and the like.

Elefant Investments
This is a made-up logo for a company. The project allowed me to create a symbol (elephant), attach it to a company (investments), and pick out the text and color choices for the firm's logo.
Typography Project: type as line
The sentence "Speech proceeds in time and writing proceeds in space." was used to create lines out of text.
Replica of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'
I was inspired to paint a replica of 'Starry Night' after I saw the Gaughin/Van Gogh show at the Art Institute. I painted this piece on a 4"x6" canvas (about the size of a postcard).
"Clock Reflection"
I created this black & white photograph for my darkroom class. It's a picture of the clock on the Marshall Field's building downtown (I took the picture and developed the film).
This is another photograph I created in my Darkroom class. I think its one of the best as far as quality and detail. I took the picture of a statue my grandma has in her garden. The worn, antique look and the expression on the figure makes it one of my favorites from the class.
Typography Project: "K Univers"
This was another project from my typography class that required me to used one letter 10 different times in one composition (I chose the capital letter K in the font Univers).
The Vampire Stakehouse
Vampire Stakehouse- all puns intended. I had to make up a name, logo, and business card for a restaurant in my Graphic Design class. I also had to come up with a brief description for the restaurant: its a restaurant located in New Orleans for vampires only. Its open from dusk till dawn and only serves raw or "rare" meat (including bloody steak, their specialty).

***Check out New College Artwork 2!***